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On the weekend of the second week in March 2020, all of us first year education received disappointing news that our practicums will all be cancelled due to Covid-19 exponentially getting worse. To protect the students and teachers in schools, we were not able to go in for our second practicum. As an alternative, the Werklund school of education worked quickly to create an alternative for us, in which we will be receiving online instructions and practices over Zoom. Of course, this quite a significant change, as not only were we trying to adapt during our online classes, but we were gaining valuable resources and insights to help us better ourselves as teachers and our familiarity with online teaching. 

In this field experience, I was meant to be placed at Peter Lougheed School. Prior to the news, I was able to meet with my partner teacher and received a tour of the school. My field experience II will be showcased through my dossier, which displays the school I was supposed to be learning and teaching in, lesson plans I created within my online practicum, as well as my engagement throughout the course.

My experience in field II was very different, but I gained many skills that I was able to work with going forward into the summer. The things I learned help me gain confidence, and I was actually able to tutor throughout summer break with newly formed insights and knowledge.

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