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Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit

In my second field experience in education, my group members and I created a lesson plan directed towards grade 5 Social Studies to introduce and acknowledge “residential schools and their legacy” (Alberta Education, 2018, p. 6). We used the programs of studies to provide a framework for our lesson in order for our peers (posing as our students) to better understand and gain respect for Indigenous contribution, perspectives, and history (Alberta Education, year). 


Using the book, Shi-Shi-Etko, we introduced residential schools and their past in a way we believed would be appropriate to a grade 5 audience. The resource we selected was important to us because not only did the story represent feelings towards residential schools, it was written and drawn by Indigenous people as well. To connect the story to our students/peers and make it more relatable to them, our activity utilized a form of Indigenous teaching: storytelling. 

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